Seattle Times editorial board endorses Gov. Jay Inslee for re-election

For Immediate Release — Oct. 21, 2016
Lindsay Taylor, Consumer Marketing Manager

The Seattle Times editorial board has endorsed Gov. Jay Inslee in his bid for re-election.

Though the editorial board has been critical of the governor on several issues, he is the best candidate as the Legislature finishes the complex and crucial job of fully funding basic education.

The editorial was published online Friday morning and will appear in the Sunday Seattle Times.

Inslee’s challenger, former Port of Seattle Commissioner Bill Bryant, is a credible candidate. However, he would like to start from scratch in retooling Washington’s education finance system. A bipartisan legislative committee is at work now on an agreement for the Legislature to consider when it convenes in January, just as the governor is sworn in.

The state Supreme Court is holding the state in contempt of court for underfunding K-12 education, resulting in untenable inequity in education across the state. Many changes have been made, but the most important work lies ahead.

“It’s a difficult choice,” the editorial reads. “Inslee gets The Seattle Times editorial board’s endorsement because he is more likely to be constructive as the Legislature crafts crucial reforms of Washington’s broken education financing model.”

The editorial expressed concerns about Inslee’s management skills, especially of the state’s mental health system. But it also noted his role in helping push through a transportation funding package and convening a special session of the Legislature to provide tax incentives for Boeing’s 777X operation in Everett.

“Inslee is an imperfect governor, but he’s the better choice this election,” the editorial concludes.